Convert Avro to ORC Online

Use our free online tool to convert your Apache Avro data to Apache ORC quickly

Apache Avro

Apache Avro is a row-based data serialization format designed to support efficient data encoding and compression. Avro stores data in a compact binary format, which makes it efficient for both storage and transmission. Every Avro file includes a schema that describes the structure of the data stored within it. Avro supports a range of complex data types, including nested records, arrays, and maps. Avro also supports schema evolution, allowing the schema of a dataset to change over time (adding new fields, for example) while maintaining backward compatibility with the older version of the schema.

Apache ORC

Apache ORC (Optimized Row Columnar) is a self-describing, columnar file format that supports high compression ratios and fast data retrieval. ORC supports complex types, including structs, lists, maps, and unions. ORC files are divided into blocks of data (stripes) containing statistics (such as min, max, sum, and count) and lightweight indexing which can be used to skip over irrelevant data during queries. ORC also supports predicate pushdown, meaning that filters can be applied as the data is read from disk, reducing the amount of data loaded into memory and processed. Due to its high performance in terms of compression and speed of access, ORC is particularly well-suited for heavy read operations and is commonly used in data warehousing and analytics applications.

Upload Apache Avro File
Drop your Apache Avro file here (or click to browse).
(100 MB or less file)