Convert TSV to Fixed Width Online

Use our free online tool to convert your Tab Separated Values data to Fixed Width/Fixed Length quickly

Tab Separated Values

A Tab Separated Values (TSV) file is a simple text format for storing data in a tabular structure. Each row in the table is represented by a line of text in the file. Within each row, columns of data are separated by tabs. This format is useful for moving data between programs or systems that handle tabular data, such as spreadsheets and databases. TSV files are easy to read and write by both humans and machines. They are especially useful when handling data that contains special characters or commas since the tab character is less likely to appear in field data than commas.

Fixed Width/Fixed Length

A fixed width (or fixed length) file is a text data file in which each field in a record is allocated a specific number of characters, regardless of the actual content length. This consistent column width ensures that data aligns in columns across rows, making the file appear like a table when viewed in a plain text editor. If a field's content does not fill the entire width, it's padded with spaces or other placeholder characters. Fixed width files are often used in legacy systems, mainframes, and financial data processing systems.

Drop your Tab Separated Values file here (or click to browse).
(5 MB or less file)